Exploring recipes, local restaurants, businesses, farms and fun places in and around Atlanta, GA that promote good wholesome food AND that make a gluten intolerant / plant based eater, a meat-eater and two young girls with ever evolving taste HAPPY.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Found a gluten free bakery and created a new recipe - all in one day

Today, thanks to a friend who introduced me to this bakery, I took a drive OTP to Sally's Bakery.  Everything in the bakery is gluten free!  And the majority is also vegan.  Yippie!  I stocked up - I bought pumpkin bread, banana bread and banana chocolate chip muffins.  The girls and I love all of it.  Fortunately it freezes well, so I wasnt tempted to eat it all in one day!  Well worth the drive!

So another friend inspired me to make basil pesto out of the basil my mom had given me from her garden.  I read a couple of recipes but made up my own.  I still had some cashew cream left over, so I incorporated that.  I used:
1 cup of my mom's fresh basil
1/4 cup of pistachios
1 TBS miso
1 TBS cashew cream
2 TBS of water
Pepper to taste - put all of this together in the food processor.  The smell was unreal!
I spread this over hot pasta.  I added tomatoes, roasted red peppers and asparagus to the pesto and pasta.
I boiled the asparagus for a few minutes, then put it in a shallow dish with a little sesame oil and GF soy sauce.  They marinaded for about 15 minutes while I got everything else ready.   The red peppers were straight from the jar and I just chopped in half little tomatoes and tossed it all together.  Delicious! 

Another quick note, I am experimenting with different gluten free pastas.  I am trying all of the spiral pasta, because the pestos and sauces stick to it better.  So far, I like the quinoa pasta the best.  The rice pasta gets a little soggy for my liking.

My Basil Pesto Creation - no oil, no garlic, yet creamy and tasty!

Sally's Bakery Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sallys-Bakery-A-Gluten-Free-Place/110108582334971

1 comment:

  1. Good to know about the quinoa pasta. I have tried to do rice but it is too mushy.
