I love nuts, but after an almond recently split my tooth resulting in a less than fun and incredibly expensive root canal and a crown I decided to give up nuts for awhile. I was dining at Lotta Frutta and Myrna suggested adding toasted pumpkin seeds to my salad. Delicious! So, last night I whipped up a salad with lots of veggies, grilled some asparagus with seasame oil and GF soy sauce and baked polenta topped with veggies. I threw some pumpkin seeds in a pan with a little spray olive oil and just mixed them around a bit. They turned out perfectly. The seeds added a smoky, crunchy lift to my salad. And, I sprinkled them over the asparagus too. All vegan, all GF. Yum. But this dinner did fail the family test. Not one taker.
Beyond pumpkin seeds - and on to smoothies. I used to be intimidated by smoothies, did I need to get a recipe? Follow it precisely? No and No. I am no longer afraid. I threw in one frozen banana, one big handful of frozen strawberries, a scoop of vegan protein and about a cup of water. Perfect afternoon snack! Another tip I learned recently - if you are freezing fresh fruit (I am trying, trying to be that organized and proactive), cut the fruit lay it out flat on a baking sheet, and freeze them not touching one another. After they are frozen, then throw them into your freezer container, glass or zip lock bag, and they wont stick together!
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