Exploring recipes, local restaurants, businesses, farms and fun places in and around Atlanta, GA that promote good wholesome food AND that make a gluten intolerant / plant based eater, a meat-eater and two young girls with ever evolving taste HAPPY.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cholesterol Part Two

I have never given my cholesterol level much thought.  I do get it checked each year, but I never paid much attention to the number, I knew I ate healthy, therefore the number should be low.  Heart disease is just not on the top of my "worry" list.

I have eaten a predominately vegan diet over the last twenty years.  There have been periods when I have eaten fish and dairy but most of the time I considered myself vegan.  Over the past year, I have re-defined the way that I eat as a whole food, plant based diet, instead of vegan.  The distinction is mainly processed foods.  A "vegan" diet can be unhealthy if you eat a lot of processed foods with added sugar and fat.  For example, diet coke and most french fries are considered vegan.  Not that I ever over did it on french fries, but I did use to eat a lot more processed food than I eat now.  I also used to "cheat" more than I would like to admit.  I rarely would ask if baked goods or desserts had dairy in them. I would just eat them, and figure at least I am not eating meat.

I have really focused on eating whole foods and very few things from a "box".  With the discovery of my gluten intolerance, my "cheating" has been eliminated.  All those desserts and baked goods have gluten in them.  I can not "cheat" with gluten.  Now looking back, when I thought I was eating healthy, I could have done a lot better.   I no longer skip meals and subside on vegan bars or other processed food.

The amount of food I eat  has increased, I eat a ton of veggies and fruit everyday.  I do not worry about "carbs" but instead focus eating all kinds of potatoes, squash, rice, beans etc.  I tend to limit most baked goods, and pastas, even if they are gluten free, vegan.  I also do not eat oil, unless I am in a restaurant.

So what has this year's renewed focus on eating well resulted in??  I decided to actually take note of my cholesterol levels.

February 2010 Cholesterol      165
                         Triglycerides    53

February 2011 Cholesterol      153
                         Triglycerides    42

March  2012    Cholesterol     130
                         Triglycerides    43

Yes, my levels have always been great.  But WOW, that is a significant drop in my cholesterol, by simply paying attention and truly eliminating ALL dairy,  most all oil and processed food.  

The best part is - I eat as much as I want, I am not starving or always thinking about food, I do not have the insane cravings I used to have and I have more energy.  And, I have a peace of mind that I  doing all I can do to prevent disease!

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