Exploring recipes, local restaurants, businesses, farms and fun places in and around Atlanta, GA that promote good wholesome food AND that make a gluten intolerant / plant based eater, a meat-eater and two young girls with ever evolving taste HAPPY.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hopefully My Answer To "Gogurts"

I hope these fun little things will be my savior this summer.  I read about them on 100 Days of Real Food and bought them on Amazon.  I used to buy the girls "gogurts" or "squishers" once a month as a treat.  They go crazy for them in the grocery store. I guess their shape and packaging is what they love about them and that all their friends "have" them.  But its just regular yogurt on the inside.  I used to cave about once a month and buy them for the girls.  But I have decided I am not going to do dairy treats anymore, even if it is just once a month.  If Chad and the girls choose to have dairy outside of the house, that is their choice.  But, I just cant do it.  Especially after recently watching this news about the relationship between acne and dairy.  I WILL be the mean mom who doesn't let my children have dairy if it might prevent the heartache I experienced growing up with acne.  There are thousands of reasons I do not like dairy, but I guess my tipping point was listening to the Harvard Nurses' Study associating skim milk with acne.

Thus, I bought these silicone freeze pop holders.  They are the same shape as gogurts, are fun colors, and the girls did get excited about them when I opened the package.  Today, I got an email from Dr. Fuhrman with his recipe for berry yogurt.  I decided to try this in the pop holders.  We will know tomorrow if they are a success.  Using Dr. Fuhrmans recipe as a guide I put the following in my Vitamix:
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1 cup of raspberries
1 cup of unsweetened, organic soy milk
2 TB ground flax seet
3 pitted dates

I poured them in the pop holders, and put them in the freezer.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that the girls will like them tomorrow afternoon!

BTW - you can change up this recipe with different fruit, different plant based milks, or add in a little cocoa powder!

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